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Reply to warrensburg route
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Steve Kaufman from Seattle, WA on 2/25/2005 2:02:49 PM:
I'm planning to ride the entire KATY from west to east late this April, and not wishing to backtrack from Sedalia to Clinton, am wondering if anyone has a good route from Warrensburg (I can catch a train from St. Louis to here)to Clinton?

Ray (webmaster) on 3/4/2005 1:32:38 PM:
I don't have a route, but I'll tell you what I've been able to find out. Looking at a map, hwy 13 looks like a logical choice, since it runs directly from Warrensburg to Clinton. However, much of this has no shoulder. Here is a hwy shoulder map from the MO Dept of Transportation, which indicates that only about half the distance of hwy 13 between Warrensburg & Clinton has shoulders (here's a page explaining how to read the map). Unfortunately this map doesn't seem to offer any good alternatives. I would expect hwy 13 to have heavy traffic at high speed.

Most of the other roads around there will have much less traffic, but still no shoulders.
I live in eastern MO, so it may be a while before I have a chance to check out these roads myself. I've only driven on 52 coming into Clinton from the east, and 7 coming in from the west. I am trying to get in touch with someone from the Warrensburg Cycling club, and will post more details if I can find any. Sorry, wish I could offer more information.

The map referenced above, and other shoulder and traffic volume maps for the rest of the state, can be found at the Missouri Bicycle Maps and Routes page on the Mo Bike Federation website.

Bill Wayne from Warrensburg on 3/19/2005 12:04:13 PM:
I'm not a rider, but I drive MO-13 quite a bit from Warrensburg to Clinton. I would not recommend riding it, the northern part has quite a few hills and curves in additon to no shoulders to speak of. No services at all en-route. You'd have better luck riding via DD, MO-23 and WW to Windsor, as there are better shoulders and/or better sight lines. You could take the train to Sedalia, but you lose part of the ride. If you spend a night at one of the Warrensburg B&Bs, they might be willing to provide transportation to Clinton if you arrange well in advance. See www.bbim.org.

Carol from Jefferson City on 3/21/2005 3:22:31 PM:
Steve - If you are looking to catch a train from St Louis - Check out www.amtrak.com. They have a train that leave from St Louis and goes to Kansas City with several stops. Including Sedalia and Warrensburg. I hope that helps. Hope you enjoy your trip.

Ray (webmaster) on 3/22/2005 5:39:49 AM:
I got in touch with Barbara Curtis of the Warrensburg Cycling Club, who was kind enough to write this detailed route:

Happy to help. I have rescued a cyclists or two who have risked their lives trying to get from the Amtrak station in 'burg to Clinton on 13......not a good idea.

We have lobbied MoDot to include a bike lane should they ever construct the promised Hwy 13 Bypass. Of course, I went to the first meeting on the bypass 27 years ago --literally-- so it probably won't happen in my lifetime. By the time it is built who's to say there will still be Amtrak, anyway..........

I assume you'd like a route using only paved roads so here is my choice:

leave Amtrak depot and go south three blocks on Holden street to traffic light at South street. Go east (left) on South two blocks to Maguire which is also Hwy 13. Go south (right) to BB........this is maybe 1 1/2 miles leaving city limits. At BB turn right and go nine miles to F. At F turn left and go six miles then turn right onto Hwy 2 and go through Chilhowee.

Stay on Hwy 2 for about 4 miles and turn left onto "O" and go Hwy 7. This is about 14 miles on 'O". Hwy 7 is duel with a wide shoulder......lots of traffic, but you will only be on it 6 miles. Hope this helps. If you look at a MO hwy map most of this is on it. Most of this route has "share the road" signs that the bike club requested and MoDot supplied after considerable begging on our part. bjc

Thanks to Barbara for helping out fellow cyclists with these great directions.

roadlitter from Alabama on 3/22/2005 5:23:45 PM:

I'm doing the katy trail this year(just a guess---early may, were is Warrensburg? I'll being going west to east. Just curious;,,,roadlitter---in Al, 68 degrees and sunny---

Paul Marlin from Quincy, IL on 4/7/2005 2:36:52 PM:
While I would agree with all the replies, my son and I did bicycle on Mo 13 from Warrensburg to Clinton with no problem in September, 2004. We arrived in Warrensburg on the late train, spent the night there, and started out about 8:00AM. That way the rush hour traffic was going the opposite direction into Warrensburg; and rush hour was over by the time we got to Clinton.

email: Wurfsendungen@insightbb.com

dwight the troubled teen on 7/14/2006 12:36:18 PM:
Okay, I just returned from a Katy Trip where I followed Barbara Curtis's directions for taking the blue highways from Warrensburg to Clinton.

The directions are accurate.

However, I question whether this route is a good option for anyone packing heavy panniers and tents and such. These are HILLY miles. Beautiful country, but this is a brutal ride for anyone who is not in tip-top physical shape.

If you can take the direct route (Highway 13?), I strongly advise you to take it.

barf from clinton on 3/6/2008 11:18:59 AM:
It is simpler and MUCH MUCH safer to just get off Amtrack at Sedalia, ride to Clinton and backtrack to Sedalia. I am a local and I don't ride the roads from Clinton to Warrensburg.

jason from Eureka on 3/8/2008 11:02:13 PM:
I am with barf on that. I ride the train to sedalia and the ride back to clinton takes about three hours if you hurry. I ride pavement all the time but will always choose the safer and more pleasant way. also, while that is not the most spectacular part of the trail, it is a pleasant winddown from the trip.
one thing to think about is the time you get off the train. I once got to sedalia about eight in the evening and had to find a place to stay in the dark with no planning. it all worked out. Good luck.

Pat from Fort Worth on 6/4/2008 3:16:27 PM:
In mid-May, we rode from Warrensburg to Clinton on Hwy 13. We had at least 3 feet to the outside of the white line on the road to use as our own bike lane. In addition, all traffic moved over past the center line to give us additional room. The route was what we call "rollers" here in Texas. Although our bikes had panniers, we didn't have any problems. It was as pleasant as can be--no stress at all. This road is not the monster some would lead you to believe.

Brian from STL on 4/10/2009 9:59:03 AM:
I've got the same problem. I was planning the same thing but Amtrak says that I can't bring a bike if I'm getting off at Warrensburg. So far, our best option seems to be taking the train to Sedalia, and catching a shuttle to Clinton ($50 for two people, B&L shuttle 660-221-4406).

Paul Marlin from Quincy, IL on 7/23/2009 2:25:22 PM:
Brian of STL: I don't know which problem you are referring to, but Amtrak doesn't discriminate against Warrensburg as far as bicycles are concerned. If you tried to reserve bicycle space to Warrensburg, it could have been sold out.

e from Warrensburg on 6/27/2011 8:13:10 AM:
Hey all, I know that this initial post is an old one, but it's also something many others can use for their own planing purposes, so I make my remark. You can bike from Warrensburg to Clinton. There is traffic, but depending on the time of day, and season (holidays and weekends lead to lake traffic), barely. They are currently in the process of repaving the highway so right now (summer of 2011) it's advisable to take a different route. I cannot give good descriptions of back roads but once the paving is done, you will have plenty of shoulder to ride on going the 13 route.

One thing I would love to see is a Warrensburg-Katy spur or even a second through-trail to KC from the Katy (it did originally used to go to KC...). One thing at a time, though.

Curtis from Flagstaff, AZ on 7/29/2011 1:55:24 AM:
I am an AVID downhill skateboarder and have learned well the dangers of vehicles. However I am inexperienced as a cyclist and I am looking into planning my very first bicycle tour. I REALLY want to ride the trail in its entirety!! My girlfriend and I will be traveling solo, taking the Amtrak from Flagstaff AZ, to MO on October 1, 2011. The train will arrive in the AM but Our bikes will have to be in boxes and we will be bringing our panniers as "luggage." Where can I find more info on routes from the Warrensburg station to the start of the trail. I don't want to mess around with heavy traffic right at the start of the trip and I'm sure my girlfriend wouldn't appreciate it either. Also does anyone have good train info for people coming from out of state?

kevin from Jefferson City on 7/29/2011 1:32:00 PM:
Curtis, check out MODOT's bicycle maps at http://www.modot.mo.gov/othertransportation/bike_ped/bike-pedprogram--roadandrouteinfo.htm

Warrensburg is on the cutoff between two districts, but it will highlight the lowest-traffic routes. You may want to cross-reference with a topo map.

Anonymous on 3/12/2017 7:07:09 PM:
I heard they were repaving hwy 13 from Warrensburg to Clinton trailhead in 2011. Can anyone tell me if the shoulder is wide enough now to be safer to bike ride.

Annette Barnes from Clinton, MO on 3/26/2017 11:50:20 AM:
We live in Clinton and regularly shuttle cyclists to and from Warrensburg. The highway north out of Clinton has a new shoulder for only about 3 or 4 miles . AFTER THAT IT IS DANGEROUS. we don't recommend using it. What is easier is to ride from Sedalia on the KATY about a 4 to 5 hour ride.What smart people do is get picked up by us at Warrensburg and ride in comfort to Clinton as an alternative. We can carry 4 People and their bikes for $50 if they are staying at our B&B or $70 if not. This works out as $12.50 per person if you are a party of 4. Call me if you ned help.

Anonymous on 3/26/2017 6:39:28 PM:
Geez. If that's what smart people do better sign up.

Aaron from new bloomfield on 3/26/2017 10:57:28 PM:
Thanks Annette.

Philip on 7/30/2018 8:45:38 PM:
Any recent experiences with riding Hwy 13. The Google satellite images appear to show a shoulder most if not all of the way from Clinton to Warrensburg.

Annette Barnes from Clinton, MO on 7/31/2018 8:38:16 AM:
As mentioned above, not a good idea to ride a bike from Warrensburg to Clinton. It is very hilly and winding - there is no should in some places. Better to arrange some kind of shuttle or taxi if you can.

jacob r from warrensburg on 11/3/2022 1:51:13 PM:
I have a good route to get to the katy from warrensburg that is safe on a 45 mph rural road with no traffic. highway 13 is not a good safe option. If you take the spirit (dd highway) bike path east to ridgeview drive you can head south past the highschool. that continues into 201 rd. you will make a left and should be on se 300 rd. cross the hwy 13 bypass. then take the next right onto 251 rd. follow 251 for several miles until it t’s. take a left then first right to continue on 251. continue to a T and turn left onto hwy 2 and follow for .2 miles (the only major rd on the route) and you should see the rock island signs for the leeton trailhead. This is about a 15 mile ride from burg to leeton. from there you can ride 12 miles into windsor and can backtrack to clinton or continue east out of windsor. anyway just wanted to say theres a safe connection to the trail rather than taking hwy 13.