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Reply to Machens extension
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Doug K. from Troy on 11/21/2006 8:25:18 PM:
Can anyone provide me with directions on how to hike the St. Charles to Machens part of the trail? I understand there are some sinkhole obstacles, what would be the easiest way to go??

Arkie from Fort Smith on 11/22/2006 8:21:04 AM:
There are no sinkhole obstacles I am aware of. The improved trail does end on the north side of St. Charles and a couple of miles is along the existing river levee. There is a thread and it is easily biked or hiked until you regain the official part of the trail. There is leagal access to the trail here, but the DNR is in dispute with adjacent landowners about improvements. It is well worth the trip on north of St. Charles and it is a pleasant journey. The TH at Machens has a recently completed kiosk and is not easy to find. Best to park at Black Walnut or spend some time searching for Machens.

DougK from Troy on 12/1/2006 9:30:46 AM:
I hiked the extension last week. Really nice except the 50 yard strtch where you get an up close look of the junk yard. I encourage everyone to hike this leg, the rest of the extension was beautiful.

GC from Columbia, Mo. on 12/1/2006 5:36:30 PM:
That is great news! Ray, do you have a map of this section? I am in the early stages of planning to finish off my Gregwalk 2006 in Spring of 2007, so I would love any info you have on the St. Chuck to Machens section. When does it open officially?

Ray (Webmaster) on 12/2/2006 6:15:43 AM:
No, I don't yet have any maps for the section of the trail beyond St Charles. But one of the items on my to-do list for the long, cold winter is to better integrate Google maps into the website. Once I get that done (probably January), the website will have a decent map for Machens. I'll post something to the forum at that time.I'm not sure when the trail will be "officially" extended to Machens. The last I heard on the topic was this 10/30 article in the St Louis Post Dispatch which said the state was nearing agreement on the extension. I wouldn't expect anything to officially open until spring or summer. If I hear anything, I'll post it here.

DougK on 12/3/2006 9:23:43 AM:
Forgot to mention. They (whoever) are building a trail/road along the trail. I'm not sure if this could be part of the trail or a series of access roads to the river.