Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival
Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival 2025 dates: 10/11/2025 - 10/12/2025
Occurs Second weekend in October
Every October, Hartsburg celebrates its pumpkins with the Hartsburg Pumkin Festival.
Held the second weekend of October, this festival includes food, crafts, a parade, a petting zoo,
pumpkins, and more pumpkins.
This tiny town with a population of about 100 swells with thousands of visitors during
the Pumpkinfest. Cyclists may find that the easiest way to beat the crowd is by taking the Katy Trail.
Hartsburg is just 10 miles from Jefferson City by trail. Of course you may have a hard time riding the
trail if you have a pumpkin to take home.
Since October is prime season for riding the Katy Trail, we heartily recommend
working the Pumpkin Festival into your fall ride. Any other time of the year, you'll still find good food and lodging there.