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Reply to N. Jefferson - Best Value Inn
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Kathy Ware from Nashville, TN on 10/17/2006 8:49:06 PM:
The proprietor picked us up at the trailhead as promised and delivered us back the next morning bright and early. I offered a tip and he declined - a really nice guy. The place was economical, clean and close to several places to eat - including a pizza hut that delivered right to our hotel door. Highly recommend as an alternative to traveling across the bridge into downtown Jeff City.

Anonymous on 10/20/2006 6:58:24 PM:
Yes, I would also recommend Best Value. Very clean, and the pick-up service was very prompt. Bikers please note the spur trail noted in the Katy Trail book is not recommended. The trail is actually a crossing of a crop field to a gravel road and then an uphill ride on Summit Drive.