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Reply to Water availability
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GC from Columbia, Mo. on 7/31/2006 1:34:11 PM:
I am curious: Do all the trail heads have drinking water available now? If not, which? Also, does anyone have any thoughts on other places to refill water bottles along the trail?

frank from festus on 7/31/2006 3:36:01 PM:
g c, i beleive the majority of them do, at least the ones i have been to does. hope this helps.

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 7/31/2006 3:40:45 PM:
I know that Clifton City does not, as it was an issue for other riders as I was passing through this Spring. There are stores in the town, but this particular day was a Sunday and none were open. I'd make sure to top off your camel at every opportunity.

Dwight The Troubled Teen on 8/1/2006 11:17:49 AM:
On the contrary, I rode the entire trail and perhaps only 10 percent of the trailheads have a water fountain. The rest of them have the permanent equivalent of a porta-potty (Translation: Fancy hole in the ground.) Not even a place to wash hands.

On the East end of the trail there is no water fountain at any of the trailheads between St. Charles and Dutzow. That's a long darn way.

The ONLY water/refill/beverage opportunities between St. Chuck and Dutzow are Defiance and Augusta.

GC from Columbia, Mo. on 8/1/2006 1:41:38 PM:
Thanks for the info!
Ok, now on to part two: Are the bars and assorted stores/restaurants pretty good about letting patrons fill water bottles? I am mainly concerned about each end of the trail. I am pretty familiar with the central sections.
Also, I don't need to have a water fountain per se, but what about spigots at the trail heads?

Missouri Joe from O'Fallon, MO on 8/1/2006 10:27:14 PM:
I have yet to find water at the trailheads of either Augusta or Defiance, however, both towns have business that sell beverages. The Augusta brewery usually has a large cooler of cold water for bottle filling. Don't rely on vending machine either. I've run across ones that are either empty or refuse to take dollar bills. On hot days, carry as much water as you can.

Clark on 8/2/2006 6:26:22 PM:
Yeah, the only trailhead with water between Weldon Spring and Treloar is at Dutzow as has been mentioned before. The workers at the Peers Store will gladly fill whatever you need, so you can stop there. The other suggestions also work.