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David Biersmith from Kansas City,Mo on 9/18/2006 1:47:25 PM:
I am going to run the KATY from Clinton to St. Charles in NOov. Can anyone who has hiked it give me details as to water stops, miles per day they hhiked, problems, etc.

Anonymous from Pilot Grove on 9/18/2006 2:53:27 PM:
Pilot Grove is midway between St. Charles and Clinton. We have bathroom access at the trailhead but have some great restaurants and grocery store directly across from the trailhead as well as camping and bathroom facilities at our city park. We would love to have you stay in Pilot Grove on your way through.

Jim from St. Thomas on 9/18/2006 4:27:26 PM:
Unless they have moved Pilot Grove, it's nowhere near the half-way mark. I believe it's closer to 1/3 of the way.