The Katy Trail and Rock Island Trail
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4th Annual Katy Trail Extravaganza presented by Little Buddy
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BLM from St Louis on 9/19/2006 10:08:56 PM:
The dates have been set, October 20-22. 3 days, 1 trail, Clinton to St. Charles. This year we will be returning 3 veterens, 1 apprentice, and one newbie. See you on the trail.
Tank from St. Louis, Mo on 9/20/2006 9:30:47 AM:
I will miss the sheer pain that it takes to ride this trail in three days. Hope you guys have fun! Tank
BLM from St Louis on 10/1/2006 1:15:42 PM:
Well then come along. There is plenty of pain for everyone.
BLM from St Louis on 10/9/2006 8:40:07 PM:
It is getting closer....
Bob from Stl on 10/17/2006 2:09:00 PM:
Had to go diggin for this post - not much talk about this big adventure!