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MAH from Blue Springs, MO on 9/21/2006 3:24:45 PM:
Hubby and I will be doing the entire trail the week of Oct 15th. Looks like we'll be in Hartsburg on a Tuesday night. I see that Dotty's is closed on Tuesday...anyone know of other options for supper?

Jim from St. Thomas on 9/21/2006 4:55:38 PM:
I don't know if you are "tavern" people but the Hitchin' Post bar has typical bar food. Not the greatest in the world.....but it is food.
Cooper's Landing is about 10 miles before you get to Hartsburg and should have food. We like Cooper's but it's not for everyone and I would call ahead to verify they will have supper. Have you thought about doing the extra 10 miles and staying in JC? There are a lot more dining opportunities there.

ET from Columbia on 10/5/2006 12:59:39 PM:
I haven't been there, but I understand the food at the winery in Hartsburg is very good. The best food at Cooper's is the Thai food--really excellent. I would call ahead, though, to be sure that at least one is open.

geea on 10/7/2006 9:35:18 PM:
Food is hard to come by during the day Mondays, Tuesdays, the bar will open at 4pm and if they are serving it will be the usual bar food. Sorry but not a place to be on those two days. Wednesday you get Dotty's open at 11am, Summit lake opens on thursday at 11am. Good luck.

Jim Pearson from Lincoln, Nebraska on 10/11/2006 8:07:25 AM:
We stayed at Hartsburg last week at the Globe B& B, everything was closed expect a bar just a block from the Globe, they had good service and a good pizza.(frozen but very good) they had other things on the menu. At Portland we had a late lunch and the best hamburger in the country. Again at a bar and the only thing open.
Have a great ride, we did and already want to do it for the 3rd time.

Kathy Ware from Nashville, TN on 10/17/2006 8:58:42 PM:
We passed through Hartsburg on the first Tuesday in October and the only thing open was the post office. We ended up laying in the shade of the "bike shop" parking lot and drinking gatorade and eating an apple we brought from the hotel that morning - it was quite diappointing to not even have a place to get a snack, much less a hotel.