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Reply to most scenic section
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anne from wichita on 9/25/2006 12:46:39 PM:
I am planning a trip - what are the most scenic sections of the trail??

Anonymous on 9/25/2006 3:14:26 PM:
I know the sections aroun Rocheport are really pretty but the section between Greens Bottom and Weldon Springs is my favorite.

Giselle on 9/28/2006 9:04:57 AM:
I see Weldon Springs on the trail map. Where is Greens Bottom and in what direction from
Weldon Springs? Also, what is the distance between the 2 spots?

And what is the beauty of it? Meaning why do you prefer that section?

Thanks! (We've gone from Clinton to Hermann, but not further...) And must confess, we
don't do the whole trail at once...just a few days per year...but such a pleasure! We live
close to Clinton, so we do lots of day trips. Do love the river/cliff areas....the prairies of
the west side are peaceful and can be pretty in the way of plants, flowers....but lacking in
the way of restaurants, etc.

Ray (webmaster) on 9/29/2006 5:11:19 AM:
Greens Bottom is a trailhead in the southern part of St Charles, so it is in an eastern direction along the trail from Weldon Spring (northeast actually). It does not appear on the maps because it is just a trailhead, rather than a town. But here's a page with info on Greens Bottom including a map and directions.

From Weldon Spring to Greens Bottom is about 10 miles each way. There are heavy woods on either side of the trail, making this section a favorite for many, and a few nice views of the Missouri River too. There are no businesses between (or at) Weldon Spring and Greens Bottom.

ann from st. charles county on 10/3/2006 9:08:21 PM:
A group of 4 of us routinely bike the area from Greens Bottom to Weldon Springs, and would agree....it's beautiful. We see wildlife very often. Mostly deer, and squirrels. 2 weeks ago, a huge Great Horned Owl flew right over us, landed on a nearby tree, and watched us as we stopped and looked at this beautiful creature!

localcolor from Rocheport, MO on 10/4/2006 7:41:57 AM:
Nearly all published photos of the Katy Trail were taken within two miles of Rocheport, MO. The tunnel and the high bluffs with river views are here. That said, the entire trail from end to end is a true National treasure with untold Missouri beauty all along the way. Tourists would and do spend thousands to make similar length European journeys. Enjoy!