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anne from Wichita on 9/25/2006 6:53:56 PM:
What do you recommend for nice dinner places for a bus trip - we will be staying in Booville, Hartsburg, and Herman.

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 9/25/2006 9:20:04 PM:
From Boonville.....I'd have the driver take us to Rocheport to visit the bistro at the Les Bourgeois Winery. Fantastic view, great food, and good wine....and it is only a few miles drive (12 to 14 or so).

In Hartsburg, the local flavor of Dotties would be at the top of the list. Just darn good food in a friendly small town atmosphere.

In Hermann I'd toss a coin for Simon's on the Waterfront or the Vintage Restaurant at Stone Hill Winery. Both have very good food. The tour and tasting at Stone Hill is worth the stop and its right next door to the restaurant.

GC from Columbia, Mo. on 9/26/2006 7:08:47 AM:
In Boonville, It would be Glenn's handsdown. The bistro in Rocheport is great, too, but truth be told, it was inspired originally by Glenn's when that restaurant was in Columbia.
In Hartsburg, Dotties is great and is just about the only game in town.
In Hermann, I agree, Simon's or the Vintage, but if you are talking about going to wineries, I would have to add Adam Puchta

Jerry from Longview, Texas on 9/26/2006 12:26:08 PM:
Just cycled the trail --- no question --- in Boonville -- Napoli. In Hartsburg, Dottie's. In Hermann -- do wine and cheese at the Hermannhof right downtown. If you need more dinner, try the Stonehill German restaurant at the winery. Nice. "J"