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Reply to Huntsdale/John Sam Williamson

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Reply to Huntsdale/John Sam Williamson
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Airin from Madisonville, KY on 9/25/2006 7:13:57 PM:
I'm looking at the June 1990 National Geographic which features a Greenways "Path to the Future" article. A photo of J S W'mson is included. He is protesting the proposed Katy Trail with the quote, "Recreation shouldn't be at the expense of the landowner. This is where we make our living; this is our home." (2 miles of the KATY railroad bisects the family farm). Is this the same W'mson of the famed burr oak? When did he change his mind and how did the transformation come about?
I'm curious because here in Kentucky we have a few RTT routes, but nothing remotely resembling the near border to border KATY. In Western KY we missed out on acquiring the land when the railroad disbanded, but it went into the private sector. Now that we are organized, we will be trying to win over landowner's minds...a tough task ahead. i would appreciate any comments.
I rode the KATY last year and was wowed...great camping, funky b&b, interesting people and wild times.