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Paulie from Knoxville TN on 9/26/2006 6:59:01 PM:
I need some advice on where to park in St. Charles long term. I want to ride my bike to downtown St Louis from St. Charles, take the Amtrak to Sedalia, then bike(over three days)back to St. Charles. I figure by the time I get to the end of the Katy the last thing I want to do is fight traffic back to my car.

Thanks, Paulie

Wayne from OH on 9/26/2006 8:13:45 PM:
I left mine for in the lot just to the right on the boathouse lot. It would be on the way to the casino there is a lighted lot right by the trail. It was there for six days without issue.

Ray (webmaster) on 9/27/2006 8:49:09 AM:
I'll second what Wayne said. You can park at the Katy Trail trailhead lot, or the large boathouse lot. Check out this earlier discussion for more details about Katy Trail overnight parking in St Charles.