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Reply to Mount Pleasant Winery (Augusta)

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Reply to Mount Pleasant Winery (Augusta)
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Gary Petersen from Madision, Alabama on 9/27/2006 1:15:11 PM:
I'm originally from St. Louis, but live in Alabama now. I have been coming to Mt Pleasant for years. I remember paying $5-$6 a bottle. Last weekend, I took my girlfriend on a driving tour of Missouri's wine region. We stayed Saturday night in Augusta and met old friends at Mt. Pleasant, but the experience was horrible and awful. First, they charge you for tasting. Second, they charge for sitting and drinking their wine. Third, around 3 PM, Security (SHOULD I SAY NAZIS) made us move from your table for a wedding party that never materialized-we had to sit on a brick wall. Fourth, the smell from the local pig farm was overwhelming. How can they charge $30 a bottle now is beyond me. All that I can say is that Mt. Pleasant desires that pig farm. I will never go back.