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John Scanlan from Hilton Head Island, SC on 12/27/2020 1:18:24 PM:
I am planning to pedal the Katy from St. Charles to Sedalia. However, I would prefer to not back-track on the Katy to return to St. Charles. Is there another good route? On a side note, I like history, old forts, and battlefields.

k on 12/31/2020 1:59:46 PM:
Hi, John. It's likely that a return route would consist almost entirely of country roads, most of which have speed limits of 55 mph (and drivers often exceeding that). If you're willing to endure that, you could string together a few historical markers, museums, sites, etc. Of course, part of your return journey could consist of Amtrak segments, too.

Mark from Lee's Summit on 1/2/2021 2:40:57 PM:
The key to not back-tracking would be to use Amtrak for your return trip and continue further west to Kansas City on the Rock Island Trail spur off of the Katy Trail. If you really like history, then I would recommend the national World War 1 Memorial museum in Kansas City. It is right next door to the Amtrak at Union Station. You could even take the train to downtown St. Louis and check out the updated westward expansion museum that is underneath the Gateway Arch. There are several other top notch museums in Forest Park that you could ride to on your way back to St. Charles. The old forts and battlefields are pretty slim around Missouri, but the museums that I talk about all have some excellent displays and recreations.

Gypsea from Vancouver WA on 1/11/2021 9:27:12 PM:
I too will start in st Charles, in late May, going West. My return route is sort of the ACA Route 66. If you are interested in details feel free to email me: gypsea00@hotmail.com