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Reply to Six days on the Trail, 9-17 thru 9-22,Sedalia-StCharles-Sedalia
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JW from Kansas City on 9/29/2006 12:11:30 PM:
I offer a few comments to those of you who are planning a trip (thru-bikers)along the KATY. One thing to be aware of is the haphazzard hours of operation of some of the businesses along the trail, especially during the week. Tip: be self sufficient. Do not count on any businesses being open. If they are...that is a bonus for you and you should take advantage. Otherwise you are on your own. Take your guidebook and call ahead. Cooper's Landing...skip it. He caters to river rats and hoosiers and merely tolerates bicyclists because they usually have money to spend. Ride on by. Dotty's in Hartsburg is great. She invited us in for breakfast even though she did not officially open for another 90 minutes. The KATY Shelter in Tebbetts is reliable and adequate...the key is on the telephone pole outside. Be sure to go to Jim's Bar across the street...great hospitiality. Steamboat Junction at Bluffton is a good camping option. Rhineland has a great cafe/bar/grill...don't miss it. Eat there instead of going into Hermann. McKittrick to Treloar is a long stretch without services...be prepared with snacks and water. Camp at Klondike Park! (Between Augusta and Matson with access off the trail.) A great spot. Do not ride up the big hill into the park...take the trail from the boat ramp...it is a little out of the way but easier to manage with a loaded bike. The hill is very steep, no kidding. The people at the Dutzow Deli were very friendly and the food was top notch. Trailheads on the eastern half of the trail do not have water available, plan accordingly. Generally speaking the trail is better maintained on the western half (Sedalia to N. Jefferson). Be careful when the trail intersects with a drive way or gravel road...some very rough crossings here and there. Local attitudes about the trail and trail users seem to be about the same as the last time I rode through these towns...some like it, some do not.