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collieflower from KC on 4/8/2005 9:11:06 AM:
Just wondering if all trailheads lead to the katy trail? My sister lives in Columbia and I noticed a traihead north of 70 near her house--so just wondering if I can eventially make it to the trail from there. Is there a map that shows all trailheads to the Katytrail?

Ray (webmaster) on 4/8/2005 9:23:29 AM:
All Katy Trail trailheads are right on the trail - can't miss it. Use this link for a list of all Katy Trail trailheads, actually all trail parking lots, which are mainly trailheads.

The only trail in Columbia that connects to the Katy Trail, to my knowledge, is the MKT Fitness Trail, which is about 9 miles long. This regional map shows how the two trails connect. Sorry, I don't have a more detailed map at this time.