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Reply to Glass on trail near Weldon Spring
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Ray (Webmaster) on 11/13/2006 5:51:39 AM:
I recently received the following note (thanks J.C.!) regarding puncture hazards near Weldon Spring. The highway 40 overpass is 5 miles north/east of the Weldon Spring trailhead. I have notified the MO DNR, but this sort of thing may be very hard to clean up. As always, travel with spare tubes and a pump!
I have had recurrent problems with flat tires along a short section of the trail under the highway 40 bridge in the Weldon Spring area. A friend has had similar difficuties. The problem has occurred in the past couple of weeks. We have been almost daily trail users for several years and have never encountered this problem previously. We have found numerous slivers of glass in that area, but we have been unable to clear them ourselves. I would appreciate your help addressing this problem.

Arkie from Fort Smith on 11/19/2006 11:23:27 AM:
I didn't notice that much glass there, but I did notice that when passing through Sedalia some mean little something or another had managed to burst glass bottles at almost every street crossing the trail took through town! After about the third occurence it became obvious that it was deliberate and I slowed down to avoid the messes.