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Reply to Katy Rock intersection in Windsor question
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MapMedic from KCMO on 3/20/2021 5:08:23 PM:
I can see that the Katy and Rock Island intersect one another in Windsor. The satellite view is obstructed by trees, but I can see that the Katy crosses over/above the Rock Island Trail by a bridge. I can't tell if you can turn from one trail to the other from some sort of access trail or do you have to ride into Windsor and access the other trail from a trailhead?

Kim Henderson - Kim's Cabins from Windsor on 3/21/2021 6:28:02 AM:
Easy transition and good trail signage at Windsor to jump on the Rock Island to head to Pleasant Hill. Coming from Sedalia you'll cross the bridge of the Katy looking down on the Rock Island, go less than a quarter mile, and signs will point you to take a left down the connector to the Rock Island. If you need a drink or snack Caseys and restaurants right there in Windsor. Many staying overnight in Windsor as you can ride 3 directions. My cabins at the connector. Glad to help if you need anything at this end.

John Hutchins from Pacific on 3/21/2021 6:44:15 AM:
There is an access trail near where they cross.

Gerald from Riverside, MO on 3/21/2021 9:17:13 AM:
Yes, there is an "on ramp" trail from the KATY to the Rock Island at that crossover/intersection.

MapMedic from KCMO on 3/21/2021 2:02:14 PM:
Thanks Kim! You'll be hearing from me. Hot shower, cozy bed and maybe a clothesline.
Thanks John!
Thanks Gerald! I live near Zona Rosa and I ride through Riverside frequently.