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R Bruce W Laubach from Williamsburg, VA on 4/24/2021 9:02:34 AM:
I was planning on riding the Katy and Rock Island trails as a round trip in Mid May. Could anyone give me what the typical weather and trail conditions are at this time of the year? Also typical river conditions?

Gary from Near Tebbetts on 4/24/2021 4:39:43 PM:
Go to the home page
Scroll down to current weather
Click on one of Clinton-Jefferson City-St Charles
Use the > to go over to the monthly weather
Scroll down to pick which future month you want
Easy Peasy

Or you could just flip a coin (might be just as accurate) ;-)

Gary from Near Tebbetts on 4/25/2021 10:09:18 PM:
There is also a weather app for iOS called Dark Sky. It has a feature called Time Machine that you can see what the weather might be in the future along with weather radar etc that you might find useful.