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Reply to Pleasant Hill - Lee's Summit Amtrak - RI Spur progress?
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Mark from Bentonville on 6/7/2021 3:56:43 PM:
Any further developments on the Rock Island Spur toward Lee's Summit. Planning a Train out / Ride back this fall. Wondering if Pleasant Hill to LS Station is any easier now - Have not seen any recent (last 3 years) posts about that segment.

Mark from Lee's Summit on 6/7/2021 4:50:41 PM:
The Rock Island Trail has been extended from Lee's Summit to the northwest to the Arrowhead/Royals baseball stadium complex. That section is 99% done and will officially open next month, but cyclists are already riding it. There are 6 segments still to be funded to connect Lee's Summit with the existing Pleasant Hill MOPAC/Rock Island Trail. Currently segments 1, 2, and 6 are funded for construction in 2022 and 2023, but segments 3, 4, and 5 could easily take 8-10 more years to build unless someone makes it a priority. There are low volume county roads that people take to ride the trail gap from Lee's Summit to Pleasant Hill, but you need to be comfortable with onroad riding. I personally take the really low volume routes and link up several of the 8' wide sidewalk trails so I really cut down on the two lane roads that carry significant car traffic.

Mark from Bentonville on 6/9/2021 2:20:01 PM:
Are there detailed maps of this new section between Lee's Summit and KC? I had not heard of this.

Mark from Lee's Summit on 6/9/2021 6:55:01 PM:
If you search the Jackson County Rock Island Rail Corridor Authority, you will find some good maps of the new 7 mile extension to the stadium complex. Crane Brewery is right along this section of the trail in Raytown. The Facebook group The Rock Island Trail (Kansas City to Pleasant Hill) has tons of information and I have posted detailed maps about the future trail expansions that will eventually connect Lee's Summit and Pleasant Hill.

Deb from Belton on 2/17/2024 3:14:21 PM:
How far is the bike trail from LS Hartman Trail head to Crane Brewey?

Eric from KCMO on 2/18/2024 2:32:26 PM:
Use Google Maps, search for Hartman Park. Click on get directions and type Crane Brewing, click the bicycle icon so it will route you by available trails. Your route, miles (8) and elevation (279’) along the way will be provided. Click the little up/down arrow on right side to reverse the route.