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Bruce Schultz from Lafayette, LA on 6/18/2021 3:35:30 PM:
I thought it would be easier to plan a ride on the KT, but I'm finding out the logistics are not straightforward. (I wanted to ride the Rock Island trail too but I see getting to the Lee Summit train station involves riding on some sketchy busy roads.)
So here's what I think will work in the alternative: Drive to Sedalia and leave vehicle there. Catch the Amtrak to Kirkwood. Get a shuttle to Machens trailhead and ride west back to Sedalia. If I want to do the final 35-mile stretch from Clinton, I could do that at the end of the trip and backtrack for a 70-mile day.
Any suggestions to improve this plan?


Mark from Lee's Summit on 6/19/2021 3:05:19 PM:
If you don't mind mapping out winding routes ahead of time that utilize low traffic roads, you can easily ride from Lee's Summit to Pleasant Hill or from the Machens trail head to Downtown St. Louis and the Arch on the Mississippi River trail segments (including the old Route 66 Chain of Rocks Bridge over the Mississippi River). It all depends on how many extra days you have to spend on these other connecting trail sections. You need to at least be comfortable riding on low traffic county roads in order to link up several of these connecting trail segments. There is even a new Rock Island Trail segment from Lee's Summit into Kansas City that runs through a short tunnel, past a nice bar/food truck, and ends next to the Royals/Chiefs stadium sports complex. Let me know if you need specific details about any of these options.