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Page Bridge mile, St Charles bike parking

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Tom B. on 6/10/2004 6:59:06 AM:
What is the mile marker on the Katy Trail at Highway 364 (Page extension, between Saint Charles and Greens Bottom)? Where can we lock up our bikes in Historic Saint Charles? Thanks Tom

RayS on 6/10/2004 11:31:28 AM:
The Page/364 Bridge is at mile 42.8, which is just over three miles from downtown St Charles.

Hambone on 6/12/2004 11:18:55 PM:
You can find bike racks at these businesses on Main St: Lewis & Clarks Restaurant, Touring Cyclist, St Louis Bread Co, Caffe Tostare. Also at the pavilion in Riverside Park (near mile 39), and near the green caboose.