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Reply to Chilhowee City Park in Chilhowee

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Reply to Chilhowee City Park in Chilhowee
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Matt Finch from Lees Summit on 3/30/2022 6:18:53 PM:
Is there any trees to hang a hammock in the Park? It's hard to tell on the satellite view on the map? I'm wanting to do a overnight trip and just want to see if I can bring my hammock or the tent. Thanks in advance for any information!

Kim Henderson - Kim's Cabins from Windsor on 3/31/2022 6:04:13 AM:
Matt you might call the nice folks at the Hometown Convenience Store and visit with them

Mark from Lee's Summit on 3/31/2022 7:05:03 PM:
They have two tent camping areas marked out with PVC pipes with each area having a little bit of gravel to level off the ground and a fire pit in the corner. There is also a picnic table and about 15 feet away there are a few medium to large trees that aren't really pruned back, but you could tie off a hammock if you wanted to. They do a good job mowing back an area that is probably 100' by 200' so there is a bunch of extra room. I would never complain about free camping, but I will point out that you are in the middle of town so there are dogs barking, roosters crowing, and various other sounds all night long. The corner store is great to have when it is open, but only having a Johnny on the Spot at the trailhead is a downer. If you really want a close up picture of the campsite area then let me know and I can probably dig it up.

Jim from KC on 4/4/2022 3:07:51 PM:
I hammock camp in Chilhowee a couple times a year. It's a great stop. Bring a couple dog treats and be ready to play fetch!