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Trail Conditions - Sep 20-22

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Mark from Bentonville on 9/12/2023 3:07:46 PM:
We have an end-to-end ride planned next week. Checking for any detours, trail condition reports.
Curious about the MO DOT work around Rocheport. Went through last in June 2022 and detour was minimal.
Any other trip precautions to be aware of at present?

I've checked https://mostateparks.com/page/84206/katy-trail-state-park-advisory-map


TexasMV from Dallas, TX on 9/16/2023 8:51:05 PM:
On the KATY now. Started in Sedalia, presently inin Jefferson City tonight. We will ride to Hermann, Washington and end in St Charles.

Trail is in very good condition so far, including Rochport.

Enjoy your trip.

Mark from Bentonville on 9/18/2023 6:07:49 PM:
Thanks! hit the trail tomorrow

TexasMC from Dallas on 9/20/2023 1:44:40 PM:
Finished our ride from Sedalia to St. Charles (September 14-19). The trail is in very good condition. We had a few short patches of loose/powdered trail but all less than 50ft in length.

Highlight lunch spots were MCafe in Rochport and the Red Caboose just before Dutzow.


Deby from Dallas on 9/25/2023 7:51:14 AM:
100% agree about trail conditions. We just finished our girl trip from Clinton to St. Charlies. We stayed on the trail - did not take the highways across the river to the larger towns. I have ridden the Katy several other times over the past 15 years, and if I remember correctly, the conditions right now are the best ever. Kudos to the people in charge of maintenance. They are doing a super job.

Doug from Bluffton on 9/26/2023 5:28:44 AM:
Mike, I appreciate that you are trying to build trail use, but don't you think it would be more productive to thank people for coming and enjoying their trip and let them know about the variety of places to stay, eat, visit etc. rather than telling them they did "it" wrong? It makes you seem a bit elitist, which I don't think you are or want to come across as.

Michael A. Rodemeyer from Hartsburg Mo on 9/27/2023 5:16:24 PM:
I'm told that Doug from Bluffton is a legend on the MKT Trail; even after a driver ran into his house and severly damaged his business.My wife and I have spent countless hours promoting our town of Hartsburg and the MKT Trail. I have even hauled stranded bikers to Jefferson City at no cost. I don't need "to do more to promote our town and the trail". We just need more people like Doug and Cathy who are in it for the long haul and not just a "one time rider' never to be seen again. We live here and see the good and bad every day

Gary from Near Tebbetts on 9/27/2023 8:19:11 PM:
Mr. Rodemeyer

If you would like, I would be willing to ride the Katy with you. It always brings a peaceful easy feeling to me. Just let me know when would be a good time for you and how far you would like to ride.

Michael A. Rodemeyer from Hartsburg Mo on 9/28/2023 1:19:17 PM:

Sorry at age 81, I don't ride anymore, although I have an almost new Giant bike hanging in my garage. In the past I started the "Hartsburg Bike and Social Club" and have pictures of almost everyone in town with a bike. THEN the 1993 flood came. As far as promoting the MKT Trail my wife, Nancy, Cathy from PA, and myself worked our asses off promoting what we called "The Mo. River Bluffs Assn", a five county group designed to promote not only the trail but also the merchants in the area. The problem became the merchants were too busy so we became the worker bees for them. It cost us allot of money to promote this idea. I think the web page is still active if you want to take a peek.
We of course bought into the trail and have spent our own money promoting it but that is a limited amount as we are retired state employees. I would be happy to meet with the rider but I'm done as a rider.

Gary from Near Tebbetts on 9/28/2023 2:00:22 PM:
Sorry to hear you no longer ride the Katy. Approaching 70 myself, I’ve turned to e-bike pedal assist to remain on the trail.

I did look up the web site you referenced, unfortunately it appears it is no longer active. The last post was in April 2016.

I guess my point is, I believe everybody is entitled to enjoy the trail in any manner they choose. I made it a point to stop in at Dotty’s when passing through Hartsburg on my rides from home to Rocheport and back.

Michael A. Rodemeyer from Hartsburg Mo on 9/28/2023 7:32:13 PM:
Gary, next time you are in Hsrtsburg look me up and we will discuss the trail as we know it.

Gary from Near Tebbetts on 9/29/2023 12:42:32 PM:
Mr Rodemeyer
Thanks for the invite. Currently I am cleaning out my gutters and have to call a “lid” at noon due the heat. I don’t do well in the heat. I did ride up a few weeks ago and noticed “The Berg” was doing well with live music being played on the porch. Unfortunately I was not able to stay long because it was getting late and I needed to get back home before sunset. I’ll need to plan better next time although it is generally not in my nature to plan anything. ;-)

Doug from Bluffton on 9/30/2023 7:37:59 PM:
The $20 $50 and $100 bills that some people spend on a single trip look exactly like the ones people spend on several trips. As one of the business owners trying to get by on the Katy I'm happy for them. Sure I like my repeat customers but I still benefit from the one time riders as well. Making them welcome and appreciated is the best way to get them to return. After all, the repeat customers came once first.