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E-bike or trike

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Teresa, Amarillo, tx from Tulsa originally on 12/5/2023 10:08:54 AM:
I know the it is “non-motorized “ and this may have been asked before but are the e-bikes/trikes allowed, especially since the ones i have are throttle assist, so majority is regular peddling?

Gary from Near Tebbetts on 12/5/2023 10:52:06 AM:
The non-motorized definition refers to gas engine motors since the rules were created before e-bikes were widely used. The rules were amended to allow E-bikes on the trail. The main thing to keep in mind is that e-bikes are not to exceed 20mph on the trail, does not matter if they are in pedal assist or throttle assist mode. Of course, all the other bicycle rules and etiquette apply to e-bikes.