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Machens Rd - Closed

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Bird on 4/19/2024 2:12:28 PM:
I just completed the trail - Clinton to Machens. When I arrived in Machens my wife told me she couldn’t actually reach the trailhead because Machens Rd was closed off. Apparently someone has tied up a sign across the road blocking access. I’m not sure if there is another way in, but I ended up biking past the railway and up Machens Rd to her. This needs to be addressed - either a better way to the trailhead should be posted or that sign needs to come down.

Bill R. from Wentzville on 4/20/2024 7:20:23 AM:
Was it closed off at Hwy 94 or farther south? Looking at a Google Earth display isn't any help.

Triker from Monroe City on 4/20/2024 12:59:22 PM:
The farmer that owns the fields right there is probably blocking it off because people keep parking on his property....

madunibomer from Overland park on 4/20/2024 4:19:33 PM:
i`ve ridden thru that barrier before from hiway 94 theres no place to park.last october the the owner saw me lift the rope so i get on on hw 94 didnt say any thing google was telling me to go that way didnt see the rope till the last min. on my way to stl

Mary Tauer from St. Charles on 4/20/2024 5:05:58 PM:
This is true you can't drive to the trailhead at Machens. There is no road in and no parking lot. The nearest road (that is not chained off) is Ell Rd. It is about a mile west of the Machens trailhead. Thank you for bringing this up. This is not addressed on any map or literature we have seen on the Katy.

madunibomer from Overland park on 4/21/2024 11:43:02 AM:
the first time i rode from stl to the trail head had know idea what i was looking for was riding north on 94 found machens road took a left rode over some railroad tracks and found the trailhead there is a small mound of dirt about 3 foot high blocking the end of the trail. the restroom is about 20 feet away. and the bell everyone rings [probably irritates that farmer when he hears it]

Eric from KCMO on 4/21/2024 2:57:41 PM:
The adjacent property owner has the last name MACHENS. He blocks the “roadway” leading to the trail and is apparently not a fan of the trail. The other adjacent property owner is the railroad which has a crossing on that roadway. Because of rail safety, railroads are ALWAYS a hurdle establishing rail trails that are adjacent or cross a working railway. I believe that some sort of “right of way” exists leading to the trailhead, but since there’s very limited state owned property that could be used for parking, combined with unwelcoming neighbors, combined with some people would struggle with parking correctly if they could access it….i don’t think this access will ever improve……..I say this after reading the comments here and other forums for the last four years or so. Parking is probably not going to happen here. Riders needing picked up will just need to meet up at 94 and Machens Road…..a very short distance considering the distance they’ve already traveled. Unfortunately the driver might need to walk in and meet you, and walk back, but the Black Walnut trailhead is nearby and very accessible, plus has parking. The Machens situation is one of those things where we say “it is what it is.” I choose to be grateful for the Katy that we have.

Bill R. from Wentzville on 4/23/2024 9:17:52 AM:
Been up there a couple times. Once this year. My advice: Park at Black Walnut and be done with it. Skip the consternation. The extra 3 miles back to BW from the Machens trailhead is about 16 minutes of good exercise.

CurtM from Farmington AR on 5/6/2024 6:33:10 PM:
Have ridden the trail a few times to Machens, I have gone on to Portage des Sioux via the Machens Road and SH 94. It's only a few miles more and there are a few places in Portage des Sioux where your ride can park. Example is the Our Lady of the Waters viewpoint right on the Mississippi River (Portage des Sioux is pretty small). You do have to navigate the berm just past the kiosk to get to Machens Road, which I believe was left when the terminus was finished, but it's not a problem. Have seen a few semi-trailers parked at the gravel pad just beyond the Machens kiosk/latrine, but it's not really a good place to park, as the active rail tracks are right there. Alternately, would just double back maybe a half mile to Ell Road and head to SH 94 that way. I suppose there might be some animosity among the locals, but these are public roads.

Kevin Meara from St. Louis on 8/23/2024 11:51:52 AM:
Machens IS NOT a "Trailhead"!! It is the "Terminus" or trail's end. The state does not own the land surrounding it. There is no parking. Best options are to double back to Black Walnut Trailhead or exit trail at first crossroad and take paved roads into Portage Des Sioux.

Anonymous on 8/23/2024 2:06:44 PM:
On the DNR website is only lists that there is a restroom at Machens and says that there is no vehicle access. Machens is not on the list of trailheads.

On this website, Machens is listed as a trailhead...perhaps misleading when other trailheads have parking and other amenities.