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Reply to Biking Katy in August and Hartsburg camping
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Tom from Naperville,IL on 8/2/2024 10:34:14 PM:
I am thinking abount my third biking from Sedalia to St.Charles and have a couple of questions.
1. Is it OK or too hot to bike in the week of August 20. The last time I biked someone said the biking Katy Trail is popular in spring and fall. Is it too hot in late August?
2. What is the best place to camp overnight in Hartsburg? Other than the AirBnB camp which is a good place to camp?


Rex from Springfield, MO on 8/3/2024 9:12:40 AM:
The odds are that it will be in the 90s in late August. Even so, the trail has a lot of shade, so it's not too bad. I went one time when it got up to 104 degrees and the only really bad stretch I remember was the last stretch to St. Charles, where there was not much shade. If there is no rain for a long time, it can get very dusty.

I don't know anything about camping in Hartsburg.

Bill R. on 8/3/2024 7:31:24 PM:
Check the weather. You can see it for 13 days out. Sometimes it's hot. Sometimes it's not.