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lees summit

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caleb from lees summit on 5/25/2008 9:31:31 PM:
Once we board the Amtrak in Kirkwood, can we get off with bikes in Lee's Summit or do we have to get off in Sedalia or KC?

cunninghamair from O'Fallon, MO on 6/20/2008 7:31:32 PM:
Check Amtrak's website. We got on in Washington and got off in Jeff City. It stops at many
small towns along the way.

Paul Toigo on 6/22/2008 3:29:48 PM:
I have gotten on and off Amtrak in Lee's Summit with my bike. To the best of my knowledge, you can do that on any stop on the StL/KC Mule or Ann Rutledge.