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Reds-Yellows-Blues..the trailbirds, that is. :) :)

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jd from gkc on 6/12/2008 11:03:56 AM:
While riding the trail in early May, I saw lots of reds, yellows, and blues in the many birds seen along the trail: reds (cardinals, tanagers, grosbeaks, robins, rosy finches, redwing black's); yellows (finches, orioles, larks, warblers, flickers); blues (buntings, bluebirds, jays, herons) and so on. Naturally, these colors were interspersed with blacks, browns, greens, grays, and whites, not counting all the ducks, geese, turkeys, woodpeckers, cowbirds, titmice, gnat-flycatchers, thrashers, thrushes, blackbirds, crows, owls, hawks, buzzards and other nesters/fliers seen along the trail.
Several small shy birds also caught my eye. They’d flit back and forth over the trail or in-between branches so fast I couldn’t id them. Wren types maybe? I did spot one of one kind sitting on a branch momentarily. It had a green backside with brown wings and head. It was too large for a hummingbird, and too small for a tree swallow. Does anyone know what it was? Hmm. This circumstance might be why many folks walk or hike the trail instead of riding it. They can watch the sideshows much better! :)