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Reply to School House B&B (Rocheport)

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Reply to School House B&B (Rocheport)
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Philip from Fort Smith, AR on 6/26/2005 10:37:34 PM:
Very nice B&B. This B&B was the best decorated B&B we stayed at on our trip. Breakfast was very good. Nice back yard area to sit and chat with other guests. My wife and I spent our evening chatting with 2 couples that were in their 60's riding the Katy Trail. Down/feather pillows and feather topped bed were very comfortable. There is a guest refrigerator where you can freeze your water bottles for the next day (fill them up 1/2 way and freeze them, then top it off w/ water the next day). Felt more like an "inn" rather than a staying in someone's house with 10 rooms and large upstairs commons area. We would recommend this to anyone and would stay their again ourselves.