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Reply to Hartsburg - Dotty's Cafe - Local Bike Shop

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Reply to Hartsburg - Dotty's Cafe - Local Bike Shop
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Ted B. from Kansas City, KS. on 7/9/2005 11:31:08 AM:
WOW! This is a great little place. We had Mushroom Burgers at Dotty's and the greatest peach cobbler anywhere. They filler our water bottles brought us pitchers of icewater for our hydration packs and basically treated us like royalty. This is a great place to stop. The local bike shop operator has a bit of a british accent and was actually fun to talk to. The shop had just about anything you'd need. Hartsburg helped make our Illinois to Kansas Ride a great one. Read all about the ride at


mike rodemeyer from Hartsburg, MO on 9/14/2005 5:15:31 PM:
Marc Alchorn has more than a little bit of a British accet; he's a Brit all the way and we love him. He can build you a bike, make you a smoothie or just entertain you all day long with his rather droll wit. We count him as a "local treasure". At least he can speak English, others of us can't. We really try to make your visit a happy one.