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Clay Ricks from St. Louis on 7/29/2005 8:37:55 AM:
Are there markers to give you distance for miles traveled?

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 7/29/2005 9:24:20 AM:
Click on Towns & Services above to get MKT mile marker system info. Also, the Mileage Chart above is very beneficial.

Ray (webmaster) on 7/29/2005 1:06:25 PM:
Thanks Trek Biker. The only thing I will add is that the mile marker signs use the same mile numbers that the railroad used, which is why it starts at mile 39 in St Charles. There are a couple of places where the trail wanders a bit from the old railroad route (Rhineland and Sedalia), so if you ride through either of these two towns, your actual mileage will be slightly higher than what's indicated by the mile marker signs.