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bikerLaura from Round Lake, IL on 9/20/2005 9:33:25 PM:
I will be biking the trail on a hybrid bike from Sedalia to St Charles starting this Friday. I would like to know the conditions of the trail: any sandy or washed-out areas to watch out for? I had read a while back about a segment near Hartsburg being washed-out.

frank from festus, mo on 9/20/2005 11:40:46 PM:
rode from hartsburg to no jefferson and back in late july / early august. bouts 2-3 miles east of hartsburg, there were numerous areas that was like soft powder. other than that, great riding. have fun / good luck.

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 9/21/2005 4:54:32 PM:
There is a button (Trail Conditions) a few down from the Comments button that got you here......try that or check out Missouri State Parks at http://www.mostateparks.com/katytrail/conditions.htm