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Ken Kelsay from St. Charles, MO on 9/29/2005 8:25:29 PM:
I rode from Pitman Hill Rd. to the 370 Bridge this evening. I thought the trail ended there. What is the status of the trail beyond that point? It looked rideable, just not as maintained, as far as I could see. Is it rideable for a significant distance?

CSCman from Chapin, IL on 9/30/2005 11:30:36 AM:
While the trail looks like it could extend for miles more past the 370 bridge the fact is that it only goes for about maybe a mile to more further. A friend and I had headed down that way to see just how far over Labor Day weekend.

Ray (webmaster) on 9/30/2005 3:44:16 PM:
FYI: in case you didn't catch the article about Machens in the Post Dispatch, here's what's going on with efforts to extend the trail to Machens