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Reply to Overnight parking at Sedalia Amtrak? A good shuttle service in Jeff City?

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Reply to Overnight parking at Sedalia Amtrak? A good shuttle service in Jeff City?
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Brian on 10/5/2005 12:36:31 PM:
Weekend of Oct 15, I was going to park at the Sedalia Amtrak station, take the train to Jeff City and ride back to Sedalia. Is it a bad idea to leave a car overnight, Saturday at the Sedalia Amtrak station?

Any reccomendations for a shuttle service from Jeff City Amtrak to trailhead in N. Jefferson? I assume its not a good idea to bike to the trailhead. I'm ok riding in heavy urban traffic, just not into jumping freeway overpasses if that's required.

julie from Kansas on 10/5/2005 12:39:40 PM:
The police station is not far from the train station in Sedalia. I would recommend parking there in the lot just across from the police station. That location, to me, seemed to be more secure than the train station. From there, you just follow the signs to the trail head. It is not hard.

I do not know a good shuttle service off hand but have used one in past years. Look at the other postings to get some ideas.