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In & Out Convenience Store By the Katy Trail

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Anonymous from Boonville, MO on 10/13/2009 11:48:14 PM:
Sadly, the convenience store that was right on the trail has closed in Boonville as of October 2009. They had the best staff and the cleanest restrooms on the trail. Hopefully it will re-open, but until then the nearest place for snacks and beverages is now downtown or at the Casino.

MAH on 10/14/2009 9:25:28 AM:
I'll miss them, I also would stop everytime through Boonville. You couldn't get much closer to the trail then they were.

Anonymous from Columbia, MO on 10/14/2009 5:16:03 PM:
Oh no! This was really a great place with wonderful staff and excellent sandwiches. What happened? They always seemed packed and being right by the casino you would think they would have made plenty of money.

I do hope someone buys the place and re-opens it!

El Toro on 10/15/2009 6:50:25 PM:
Is this the one that is kind of between the Depot and the Casino?

Rob from Boonville, MO on 10/19/2009 3:17:49 PM:
Yes, this was the Shell station that sat directly across from the Depot and to the left of the casino. The trail literally runs right beside it.