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Water @ trail heads

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Clayton, Denise from Archie, MO. on 11/4/2009 9:02:14 AM:
There are a number of comments about the need for water at all trail heads. I agree! We are still enjoying the bennifits of labor from the CCC and WPA programs. It seems logical that if some of the stimulus $$ were sent to this problem that ALL would be helped for generations to come. That is change I could belive in (but won't hold my breath.)

Skyguy9999 on 11/11/2009 9:51:04 PM:
Speaking of water, I noticed that all the water-based facilities (toilets & water fountains) were "closed for the winter". Is there a rule specified somewhere as to when exactly is "the winter" and what specific dates these facilities are slated to close and open? Thanks.

kim from independence, mo on 11/12/2009 5:09:56 AM:
Yes, they all close Nov. 1 and re-open April 1. I believe the DNR has this posted on their site.