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Skyguy9999 on 11/11/2009 9:54:32 PM:
Is there a particular place or person that is known that would be good to comment on specific things to the DNR regarding the Katy Trail? Or is the contact info on the main DNR Katy Trail page what you would want to use?

Specifically I found the "High Point" display to be in pretty bad shape and wanted to indicate such, along with adding my voice about their horse dung problem.

Trek on 11/12/2009 7:43:58 AM:

From a prior post a week or two ago:

A big thank you to the Katy users who called our toll free number (1-800-334-6946)to let us know about the damage! We really rely on our users to let us know of problems and appreciate the phone calls and emails (moparks@dnr.mo.gov).

- posted 11/3/2009 10:16:39 AM by Dawn Fredrickson, Katy Trail Coordinator