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Joplin to beginning of Katy Trail Clinton?

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John Downey from Tucson, AZ on 11/16/2009 11:09:00 AM:
I will be coming from AZ and would like a route from Joplin to the beginning of the Katy Trail. Would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.


Skyguy9999 on 11/16/2009 3:55:18 PM:
Bike route or car route?

For a car route, I would say I-44 East to MO13 north until you reach Clinton.

But a bike route will be much harder. It looks like the only good approaches into Clinton from that direction are MO18 and MO13, so you'll have to start from there, depending on how far you are willing to ride, and what you are comfortable with.

I know it's not much help, but hopefully it'll be a start. The best thing to do would probably be to just play around on Google maps (or something like mapmyride), find a route, and research to see what you would be comfortable with riding.

jd from gkc on 11/16/2009 7:54:25 PM:
Also suggest the following vehicle route. Go east from Joplin to Hwy-71, then north to Route-H-or-52 (at Butler). Go east on H/52 to Hwy-13 (also called 7, 13, 52 combined). From there go north to Clinton. Stay on 7/52 north until Route-52 splits off at the big curve where Hwy-7 starts to go northwest. Exit there on 52. Route-52 borders the trail to Winston. Turn southward on 52. On the map above, click on ‘Clinton’ to see the trailhead map, just south of Hwy-7.

One can also go north on Hwy-71 from Joplin to Route-18 (at Adrain), then cut east to Clinton (about 33-miles), and do the same thing.