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Bentcruiser from Oklahoma on 10/6/2005 7:50:54 AM:
I suspect this town's anticipated greatness is because the author of the KATY book lives here.
They do not allow camping. There is not much to see other than architecture.

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 10/6/2005 8:38:09 AM:

And I imagine Oklahoma's anticipated greatness is because YOU live there. Not much to see there but red dirt. Roflmao big time!!

You must have rode through with your eyes closed Bent!

T on 10/7/2005 12:58:40 AM:
Hey Okie, if your state is so great then why doesn't Texas fall into the Gulf? Because Oklahoma...

Ben from Imperial, MO on 10/11/2005 8:35:35 AM:
What is the purpose of fighting about whose state is better? We all live in the USA and each state has its good things.

Bentcruiser from Oklahoma on 10/14/2005 3:44:56 PM:
Missouri people:

I am not talking about your state as a whole. I also said nothing about Oklahoma's
"greatness" as someone wrote.

The town was nice with the architecture, there just wasn't much there.

Sorry to step on these obviously tender feelings about Missouri.

bentcruiser from oklahoma on 10/20/2005 9:32:27 AM:
I am feeling pretty bad about what I posted about Rocheport. I feel I need to clarify.
Rocheport and the surrounding area were the most beautiful section of the trail, imho. My
original statement was referring to acitvities and such, not the town or area.

Some poster responded asking what made Oklahoma special. I imagine it would be the
same with Missouri: different parts are nice, others are not.

I like Missouri and particularly the KATY area.

Sorry if it hurt anyone's feelings.

Guest from Missouri on 10/20/2005 9:29:18 PM:
Pronunciation of Rocheport? Ro-sh-port...Ro-k-port...Rock-port?

gc from Columbia, Mo on 10/21/2005 7:22:05 AM:
It's Ro-sh-port

RBRLIP from Washington, MO on 10/24/2005 2:14:39 PM:
Hi Brent,, No offence taken here. My name is Rob Meier, I'm co-founder for Mattnmeier's Recreational Services, LLC. Our new company (beginning Spring 2006) hopes to improve service on the Katy Trail by developing 5-10 properties along its 225 mile length. Each property will have cabins, camping sites, and a variety of other services I'm sure you'll love... Check out our web site at www.mattnmeiers.com for more information.

By the way, I have friends in the Claremore area....