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Reply to Never been to katy trail
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BigJon from Arnold MO on 10/14/2005 4:56:05 PM:
I am a beginning cyclist and live in Arnold MO and would like to know The closest way to get to Katy Trail from St. Louis. Its a little late in the year dont know if Ill make it till next summer, also im interested in doing maybe a 30 mile ride or a 50 what are the distance markers like. I would appreciate any advice.

Ray (webmaster) on 10/14/2005 9:40:43 PM:
Here's a web page with parking suggestions and how to get to the trail from the St Louis area.

Mile marker signs appear every mile, just like on a highway. Check out this page for mileage between towns - there's also a column that tells you what mile marker each town is located it.

Too late in the year? October is a great time! Temperatures are nice, and the trees are finally starting to turn colors. It's the best time to be out on the trail.

You'll love the Katy Trail - come on out and have some fun.

frank from festus, mo on 10/14/2005 10:47:38 PM:
big jon, me and my wifey ride the trail occasionally. we either go to the historic district of st. charles which is off the fifth st exit of I-70 just across the blanchette bridge and ride west bound from there, or we take high 40 up to highway 94, go south on 94, and go to defiance and ride from there. i personally think it is prettier from defiance west then from st. charles west. these would be the 2 closests i think. this would be a fantastic time of yr to ride. cooler weather, and the colors have to fantastic. happy ridin, frank