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kfrench from Centralia on 10/27/2005 10:42:01 PM:
I just competed the trail 10/26/05 and was wondering how many people have finished it in one or two days.

My wife was kind enough to drop me off in Clinton, Sunday night and actually came to get me in st. Charles Wednesday evening.

Day 1:I camped in Clinton behind the comunity center then rode to Booneville,(72.8 miles) where I stayed at the Days Inn. Day 2: Booneville to Bluffton(80.9 miles) and camped at Steamboat Junction. Day 3: Bluffton to St. Charles(71.4 miles).

Bike: Trek 1000 Tires: Specialized armadillos(no flats)

margie on 10/28/2005 2:11:21 PM:
Wow, way to go! Mind if I ask a question...how old are you and what type of riding/training do you do.

kfrench from Centralia on 10/29/2005 11:09:31 AM:
Thanks. I am 36 and as far as riding I've either rode to work a couple times a week, about 14 miles or ride a 22 mile loop near my house a couple of times a week for the last 1 1/2 months.

MLH from Overland Park KS on 11/3/2005 10:18:19 PM:
Hey great job! I'm sure webmaster Ray or historian Brett Dufur know the answer but at least 4 people have done the entire trail in one day, including a group of three with a link on this site: http://www.triathletepro.com/katyfreedom.html
I'm haven't read about any 2-day people but I am looking to do so next season, using a chase car as you had done, and plan to go west to east also. If you (or anyone else out there) would be interested in joining me for such (or just longer day rides) then let me know,it would be great fun and a good challenge. My email address is: haaghead@kc.rr.com

The Dalton Boys from Austin, TX/Columbia, MO. on 11/8/2005 1:10:21 PM:
Can't make any such speed claim, my brothers and I, but you picked some of the most "bullet proof" tires to do the trip. TREK isn't a shabby choice either.....'merican made. Enjoy the voyage....Mark of the Dalton Boys

kfrench from Centralia on 11/14/2005 8:41:27 PM:
Thanks MLH. But I didn't use a chase car. I started out with almost 50lbs of gear and food, more clothes than needed and not enough food.
I would be interested in making a two day trip.