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Reply to Beginner - Planning east to west
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Karl from Kansas City on 11/8/2005 12:02:43 PM:
I live in KC and I am in the initial stages of planning to do the trail next spring. I would like to do east to west. Starting near St Louis and riding to Clinton to be picked up. My plan is for 3 days. ANy advise on the best way to get to St Louis? Bus? Amtrak? Plane? And how to get to trail.

This is my first trek! I plan on doing some one day treks in March and first part of April to work out the bugs.

Jason from St. Louis on 11/12/2005 6:06:15 PM:
Karl - I am looking at doing the same thing the opposite way next fall, maybe we can help each other a bit. Get in touch with me via email (carpenter.jason@gmail.com) and lets discuss if you are interested. I could offer transportation in St. Louis, etc... for assistance on the other end.

Rhona Lococo (Lococo House llof St. Charles) from ST. Charles Mo. on 11/12/2005 9:55:43 PM:
here is a suggestion ----- drive to Sedeila ---- leave your car there and catch Amtrak to St. Louis (Kirkwood Stationn)---- we will pick you up and bring you to St. Charles Mo. and you spend the night and start out the next day (we are three blocks from the trail)---- you can ride for three days to Sedilia (where your car is ) ---- if we can be of help to you just let us know ---- website www.lococohouse.com

kasko from STL MO on 11/16/2005 5:27:35 PM:
You dont want to go to St Louis. If alone best bet is bus which stops in st charles. Question is will they take your bike. Call and ask them.

Jared from St.Charles on 11/25/2005 11:56:52 PM:
My E-mail adress is confusedb247@yahoo.com

I do not suggest riding from st.charles the ride would be much nicer from kansas to st.charles. The reason is that you will be riding into very strong winds all the way to clinton if you start from st.charles. Second after you get to boonville it is all up hill for atleast 30 miles...this hill is not steep it just goes forever. But to answer you question i rode the katy trail from st.charles to clinton and what i did was take a taxi from clinton and they took me to boonville where i caught a greyhound bus that took us home to st.louis. That was the cheapest way we were able to find. There also is suposed to be a shuttle that will take you from one end to the other but i believe it is very expensive.