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Reply to Ivy Cottage Tea Room (Sedalia)
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the syd kid from sedalia on 11/14/2005 2:07:50 PM:
The ivy cottage tea rooms food is a amazeing it's all home made its like eating at your grandmas place and very cute and butiful the waitresses are very nice and sweet it is open in the after noons and also dose cattering might i add they have a differnt speical everyday but in a nut shell its a wonderful place full of woderful people and food! but dont take my word for it check it out your self!

Danielle from Sedalia on 11/27/2006 9:32:00 PM:
I think anyone who is a vistor to Sedalia and needs some where to eat they should definetly go to the Ivy Cottage Tearoom.It is all sooo good! It is very friendly and helpful.The cooks and staff are very friendly.It makes you feel right at home!