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Reply to Katy Trail to Downtown St Louis Directions
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Jason from St. Louis on 11/19/2005 6:27:48 PM:
Another way to avoid the hill climbing out of the park on Marine (which can be very dangerous with inattentive drivers) is to take Creve Coeur Mill Rd from the west side of the park. This will run south to Olive and then east. Olive is commercial in that area, and you would have to cross the 270 overpass just east of the Creve Coeur Mill Rd/Olive intersection, so you should be comfy riding in city traffic and I wouldn't recommend large groups.

To go this route, turn east (right) at the circle when coming off of the Page extension trail into the park. The road directly in front of you is Creve Coeur Mill - turn left on it and ride to Olive. From there, you can follow from step 5 of the first route suggestion once you pass Craig - which is 3 or 4 quick lights past the 270 overpass.

Nails on 11/21/2005 12:38:11 PM:
While I've never ridden on this stretch of Olive, IMHO, Olive would be more of a white knuckle ride than Marine. But if Marine scares you, consider what I did last time. As you suggest, take Creve Coeur Mill Rd to the South. It'll turn East then bend to the South again. In the middle of this bend, turn left. (Long story, but I can't describe what this area is.) You will come upon a chain across the road. After you pass the chain, you're on a residental street called Amoit Dr. A long steady uphill, but not as steep or busy as Marine. It will take you to Marine at its crest where it has widened. Make a right on Marine and continue as I posted before under Route Suggestion 4 at:
. For an aerial photo of this portion of the ride, see:

Jason from St. Louis on 11/21/2005 6:28:40 PM:
I would not suggest rush hour for sure ;). It is a reasonable weekend/non-rush route if you ride fast enough and are ok with traffic. I have to say I've almost been nailed on Marine more than Olive - my daily commute is on Marine. I think drivers just get a little lazy on the busy "quiet side streets" like Marine...too many cell phones and stereos.

I have considered the route you describe to get back to where I live from the extension, but have not tried it yet. Is it a worthwhile bypass of the hill on Marine, or would you take your chances climbing the curves with no shoulder?

Nails on 11/23/2005 12:16:15 PM:
It depends. Where are you going? What is your mode of transportation? If you're coming from St. Charles County, then yes. It'll add a mile or so, but the grade is about as third as steep (but three times as long) and a very calm route. If your in a car or coming from the north side of the lake, then no. The road is chained off at the bottom of the hill and it adds at least 2 miles to a ride from the north end of the lake. Note, the highest point on Marine and Amoit is 610'and 650', repsectively. You actually ride down to Marine on Amoit.

Mike from Saint peters on 11/30/2005 12:54:51 PM:
If you don't like going up Marine Avenue at the hill just outside of the park, then I suggest you walk your bike up the staircase or fire road right next to Marine Avenue. Both will take you up into Creve Couer Memorial park, which will take you to the top of the hill where Marine picks up a sidewalk and a shoulder of sorts.

Nails on 11/30/2005 4:24:57 PM:
Are you talking about the trail on the East side of Marine that starts just as Marine enters the trees and goes to (as near as I can tell) Parkland Woods Dr? Then you take Parkland Woods Dr to Dorsett and back West to Marine?