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gary from denver on 12/2/2005 12:11:39 PM:
myself and 2 friends (early 50's - fair to good bike shape) are planning a first time Katy trip - your comments/suggeations are appreciated. Our emphasis is having time to check out small towns, some nice lodging, good places to eat, and the Hermann Octoberfest. Here is our tenitive itinerary.
First, 2nd or 3rd week in Oct to spend weekend in Hermann for Octoberfest

Tue - fly from Denver to St Louis - taxi to St Charles - pick up rental bike Tue or early Wed - Tue night in St Charles

Wed - to Treloar 44 miles - Wed night in Treloar

Thur - to Tebbetts 47 miles - Thur night in Tebbetts

Fri - To Hermann - 30 miles - Fri & Sat nights in Hermann (Octoberfest)

Sun - back to Dutzow - 27 miles - Sun night in Dutzow

Mon - to St Charles - 34 miles - return bikes - fly home Mon even or Tue am

slukis from pleasanton,ca on 12/3/2005 11:49:09 AM:
Please define fair to good bike shape?
Is the formula for travel distance per day equal to 1 beer per 10 miles?

The Dalton Boys from Austin, TX/Columbia, MO. on 12/3/2005 9:19:41 PM:
Seems pretty good....are you all camping or B&Bing it? Your best bet is to scroll through the pages on this site and through other KATY riders you will probably get a comprehensive picture. above all....enjoy the voyage Mark of the Dalton Boys

Ray (webmaster) on 12/4/2005 6:50:57 AM:
Looks like a good plan. I assume you're planning for Oct 2006, since you mentioned Oktoberfest. Be sure to make all your reservations early, because Hermann gets booked up far in advance during Oktoberfest. Also October in general is a busy time on the trail, so many B&Bs will be full. Also consider how you plan to cross the bridge at Hermann - does your B&B offer rides to & from the trail? You might want to save some time at the beginning or end of your trip to stroll around St Charles Main Street - very charming and historic area.

ET from Columbia on 12/7/2005 8:04:23 PM:
I think this is a very good itinerary if you are interested in having time to explore, and leisurely mornings and/or evenings at your overnight spots.

rick s on 2/1/2006 10:50:06 PM:
You should be able to cover more ground than that in 6 days....

savage24 from KC,MO on 2/2/2006 3:39:14 AM:
Gary, If you are planning to spend a night at the Turner Katy Trail Shelter in Tebbetts please be aware that the mattresses on the bunks consist of a large piece of foam covered with plastic. As far as I know visitors need to bring their own pillow & bedding. It is a great place to stay and a wonderful asset for the Katy Trail. Just want to make sure you are aware of this.