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Mike from Lawrence on 1/4/2006 8:48:14 AM:
Hiking the trail would be a great adventure. How is the camping along the trail? Do you have to B&B it the whole way?

Ray (webmaster) on 1/5/2006 5:40:16 AM:
There are definitely camping options along the Katy Trail, although they might not all be within one day's hike from each other. Here's a list of campgrounds along the trail. If you follow that link and go to the bottom of the page, you can use the "Lodging" checkbox to also get a list of B&Bs, hotels, & motels.

I've heard that other campsites will be opening in 2006, but no details yet on where.

gc from Columbia, Mo on 1/5/2006 1:19:26 PM:
Good to hear about the potential new campgrounds. I am planning my walk for around September. Thanks in advance for any info you pass on. This is the best site for planning a Katy excursion.