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Reply to Winter Ride with breakfast
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Anonymous from Washington on 1/22/2006 8:35:54 PM:
If you are looking for a winter ride with a delicious $6 breakfast ride the Katy to Schell Road near Mile 68 in Augusta. Going east that will be a left onto a blacktop steep hill. You may have to push your bike up this one then ride the rolling hills and sharp curves to Hwy. 94. Turn right on Hwy. 94 and about 500 ft. down the hill is the Immaculate Conception Church. The next breakfast will be Feb. 26, all you can eat: sausage, ham, eggs, pancakes, apples, juice, coffee -what a treat!
Not another biker was on the trail today but we did see a mink cross the trail

Anonymous from New Haven on 2/24/2006 12:40:15 AM:
You will have another chance for this winter ride on Sun.Feb. 26 when the church will hold another breakfast.