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JY from GLEN CARBON on 1/30/2006 3:40:42 PM:
Two of us are going to ride from Clinton to St. Charles in late April. Planning on riding about 50 miles a day. Would appreciate any comments or helpful hints as this will be our 1st time riding the entire Katy Trail. Even minor suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

frank from festus, mo on 1/30/2006 4:51:55 PM:
jy, contact the businesses (food, lodging, etc) along the trail for business hours. some places are closed on mondays, if even open at all this early in the season. might also check with the state parks to see if the water is turned on at each town. other than that, have fun, enjoy the ride. frank

MLH from Overland Park on 1/30/2006 5:32:50 PM:
The incorrect tire choice can eventuate in punctures, making the trip unpleasant. Make certain you have kevlar-belted tires such as Continental Travelcontacts, Hutchinson Acrobats, or one of several Specialized Armadillo models. If you would like more advice regarding equipment in particular, feel free to email me at haaghead@kc.rr.com

JYL from Glen Carbon on 1/31/2006 4:42:41 PM:
You should carry your friends pack, it builds your muscles. Always ride in the rear so all dust is on you. Take plenty of money so you can pay for anything the two of you need. Have a GREAT TIME and ride aprox. 60-70 miles per day. Any other help just email me.

The Dalton Boys from Austin, TX/Columbia, MO. on 2/1/2006 9:26:07 AM:
Last missive.....I know the correct answer, and I'm NOT the sharpest pencil in the box......yes- (supply your own term of endearment). Regards........Mark of the Dalton Boys