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John from West Plains on 2/17/2006 10:39:54 AM:
I just bought a Trek 2100 road bike and I am hooked. We are riding the Katy Trail in a few weeks and I dont want to go back to my steel framed Schwinn. Is it a bad idea to ride a road bike on the Katy Trail? We are covering 100 miles and I dont want to be halfway when I realize I made a mistake.

frank from festus, mo on 2/17/2006 12:15:11 PM:
john, i have a raleigh bike wtih 1'--1 1/2 wide knobby tires. i have rode the KATY numerous times, short trips that is (10-30 miles), but have put on probably couple - three hundred miles. not one problem. personally, i don't think you will have any problems. have fun, thats the main thing. good luck. enjoy the trip.

Austin from Longmont, CO on 2/17/2006 11:13:25 PM:
As long as it's dry, you should be fine, I rode my Trek 2200 100 miles last summer without any problems. I used 700x25 tires. If there has been much rain lately and the trail is soft, you might want something with wider tires.

TRinJboro from Jonesboro, AR on 2/21/2006 12:18:34 PM:
I agree with Austin, I've rode my Trek 510 Road bike many times on the KATY without problems. However, my bike is old, and these were all times the trail was dry. If your luck doesn't hold and it rains for 2 or 3 days, the trail gets mushy and your small tires will sink in. Also, if you bought a new Trek 2100 I don't think I would want to ride a new bike on the KATY. The surface tends to be a little dusty when dry and it will cover your bike and chain with a fine white dust that is hard on it.

Big Rick from St. Charles, Mo. on 2/22/2006 5:46:50 PM:
The lime dust washed off just fine in my experience. Also, a couple of the shops along the trial sell a nice chain lube that will help keep your gears and sprokets in good order. I'll post later tongiht when I get home and I can get the name off of the bottle.


richard Shrewsbury from joplin mo on 2/28/2006 9:49:34 PM:
I have ridden the katy many times on a old road bike The trail is generally very good
surface for a not paved trail. 90% of what you see will be mountain bikes. This is like
driving a big SUV in the city.... hybrid would be best but the importain thing is to ride...
Katy Trail is Great.....

kasko from STL MO on 3/2/2006 10:43:01 AM:
I agree with all above. Ben riding Katy since it opened on my 700x1.25 no problem This year riding entire trail will use a hybrid with wider tire.
White dust is nuisance but it washes off. I wash it once at least every 3 years.